This week my blog is going to be slightly different. Usually I pick a topic or a subject and I talk through it. However, this week has been very busy with me travelling and getting my email sequence and Facebook lead ad up and running so I’m going to give you a rundown of the week. What’s been going on? What I’ve learnt. It will also give you an idea of what a day or week can look like when you’re running your affiliate marketing business.
Doha was amazing and it blew my expectations in every way. It’s the cleanest city I’ve ever been to. It has such amazing buildings and architecture and just looks incredible. The way they light up the city and the views across the water to the pearl Island as well as Doha’s incredible 17 shopping malls are all just mind blowing. The weather is absolutely scorching hot late 40s is quite common which is around 120 Fahrenheit and in fact can go higher. I tried to venture out and walk around but after 10 minutes in that heat it’s incredibly hard to carry on. As I am returning for work throughout the year I’m looking forward to October when the weather does switch and for the next 5 to 6 months is very nice from what I hear.
There is an amazing thing they do where in certain parks and areas they have air-conditioning in the streets? Yes air conditioning in the streets. There are vents in the ground that push ice cold air up and as you’re walking it does help. There are arches with flowers growing on them in parks and as you walk through the arch it’s all air-conditioned. It’s very clever and very innovative.
On the work front I was there for almost 2 weeks and it was strange working on a Sunday as their working days are Sunday to Thursday. The job is really great. The people are really really friendly and I feel blessed to have found a contract like this, which I’m really enjoying. It’s tough work there’s lots to do, but I’m really looking forward to this. I met lots of nice people who have moved countries to live in Doha permanently; people from America from Europe and from the UK. Well I’m back home now and I’ll be home for the whole of August and the plan is to go back sometime in September.
On the TikTok front, things are still feeling a little bit stale. While I was away, I only really managed to get one video out day and in fact this Friday I didn’t release any videos which is the first time since March. My recent videos have had less views and I’ve lost a few followers. Maybe it’s because I’m travelling and the content has been a bit different and also the frequency and timing of publishing the videos is a little bit unusual. I am now at 1,395 followers and 22.7k likes. Thank you all for being part of the journey. I’m planning to follow a TikTok university program and to learn more about TikTok. I need to increase my knowledge to enhance how it works so I get more engagement more followers and more views. However, I have this week addde a second source of traffic, which will compliment TikTok, and that’s what I’m going to talk to you about now.
In order for my new traffic method to work there are two elements to it, one is to have an email sequence which is an automated and activated in a workflow after you get a subscriber. And the other is a Facebook lead ad which is shown to people on Facebook and Instagram, that have an interest in affiliate marketing. If they respond to that ad they get added to your email list. That’s the theory but this week I had to make this actually happen and I did.
Email Sequence
An email sequence is exactly what it says, I fixed number of emails that are sent in a specific order with a set time between them. Instead of you having to type each one out and send it to 100 different people the automation workflow in affiliate system allows you to create a sequence that is triggered when someone is added to your list.
This is also known as an auto responder and there’s various software that can do this like AWeber or Getresponse and mailing boss in BuilderAll. However, I use Affiliate System which is Dean Holland‘s best marketing software platform which is superior than many other systems in my view but more on that another time.
Firstly, I had to decide how many emails I put in the sequence. You have to ask the question what is the point of the sequence? when somebody sees an ad to do with affiliate marketing and they have an interest in what it is offering they will click it. When they click it, they will see what they will get and some information and if they wish to proceed they need to enter their name and email address in order to get the e-book, video, webinar, guide or whatever was offered in that ad. It’s almost like an exchange I will give you something free that will help you and guide you with your issue or problem in return for your name and email address.
These email addresses are added to your email list which overtime will hopefully become thousands if not tens of thousands of people. This is the gold, this is your engaged audience, that know you, like you and trust you who will then be your customer base for the future. So the aim of the email sequence is to offer value and insights and guidance to them in affiliate marketing, however in the future this will be any niche. It’s to tell them about yourself and your life and why you’re doing what you’re doing. It’s so that they can follow your journey and see what you’ve done so far as well as milestones and achievements. You’re in total control of what you want to tell your audience you might want to tell them a story about your life or the impact a teacher had on your learning. Family situation that created a need for you to start this business in fact anything. It’s your platform it’s your audience, you need them to get to know you and like you and trust you.
I’ve seen email sequences that are five emails or seven emails either sent one every day or every other day. Taking advice from Dean and from Sophie (who also works with Dean and is a specialist in Facebook lead ads and email sequences) suggested seven emails. I personally felt that seven isn’t enough because it’s just one week and then it suddenly ends and then what will happen next, so I decided that I want to do 20 to 30 emails in my final sequence. However, I’m going to start with nine and that’s what I’ve done this week. I have nine emails that are now automated to be sent out one every day from the point at which somebody requests to download the free e-Book from the Facebook lead ad.
Next, to decide what I talk about in these emails. So I went through emails that I received in the past, brainstormed what I want them to know about me and what I’m doing as well as tell them how I met Dean my coach and about the Iceberg effect book, which is the one that changed my life.
I suppose the aim of the email sequence at the end is for them to want to order the free iceberg effect book so that they can read it for themselves and understand what affiliate marketing is and if they want to continue that journey or not. It’s a bit of a watershed moment because it’s at that point they will probably make a decision on whether they’re going to do this or not and if they don’t that’s fine but they may come back to it someday but if they do, they’re going to want to do it with your guidance because you told them about it. And that’s when they become a very important customer that you need to look after and help and add value to them because that’s what they will expect
So in my ad, I offer a free e-Book for anyone who is interested in affiliate marketing.
The e-Book is called “mastering the five dos and five don’ts of affiliate marketing”. It’s a small e-Book that I’ve written and it gives them advice as well as a bonus printout that they can use to run their business. The emails that they receive each day are covering topics such as meeting me and who I am and why I’m doing this, explaining to them what I feel marketing is, what kind of life do they want to have, introducing them to my mentor, connecting them to my blog and as a social media And then talking about my achievement so far. I also then talk about the iceberg effect and what it did for me and if they want it how they can get it.
After this email 10 onwards I have planned out up to 20 emails in total but I’ve not written them yet and I will add them one by one overtime to the sequence as I get them ready. The benefit would be that after somebody signs up I don’t need to worry about anything for at least 20 days. I might even try and do a month so 30 emails. That gives me time for them to be on board and give them the chance to get to know me and what I’m doing et cetera. You could potentially do 365 emails i.e. one every day for a whole year, but maybe that’s something for the future. I’ve got nine at the moment and that will work fine and I’ll build them up to 20 or 30 in the future.
I wrote these emails in my notes app on my iPad/iPhone. I also added a PS and a PPS to each one offering little nuggets of advice. In affiliate system I created a new workflow under automation where it allows me to actually map out the journey that the audience will take. You have to add a trigger that starts the workflow which is the lead ad form where they request that they want the e-Book. Then you have to layout each of the emails with a time gap between them and continue that for the whole sequence. Links have to be added, fields have to be automated to take their first name and insert into the email in the correct places. You have to spend the time to do it because it has to be perfect as each person that signs up will receive all of these emails so they have to be perfect. It’s you talking to them, it’s a personal conversation with your audience.
Well, I’m happy to report that all nine are done, finished, tested and published. Now the Facebook lead ad.
Facebook Lead Ad
These are ads that you see in Facebook when you’re browsing around that have some kind of graphic and a headline with a message. The message is usually something around ‘do you want to be able to do this’, or ‘is this giving you a problem’? ‘Have you tried this’, type of thing. And they offer a lead magnet which is a video or a webinar or a guide or my case an e-Book which is a free gift or incentive that actually gives them value in the issue or problem that they have, for them to sign up to your email list.
These ads are shown on Facebook and on Instagram. I set these up using Facebook Ads Manager and it involved choosing an image creating the copy and headlines, choosing the countries and audience that you want them to see as well as your daily budget that you want to spend on your ads.
I learnt how to do this on a course that Sophie runs and I’m glad I did because it’s not something I could’ve just picked up on my own as there’s lots of little things that you’re not sure what to do with. And her coaching and guidance sorted that out for me, so thanks Sophie.
So once the image, headlines, audience etc. was done I then published the ad. The ad then goes for review by Facebook and this takes about 24 hours. This was a nervous time because I have heard of peoples ads not being approved so there’s always that worry but thank God it was approved. I was actually asleep and woke up around 5 am and I looked at my phone and I had an email from Meta saying your ad has been approved.
Once is approved it’s running and that then means that people can see it. The estimation from the ad and the size of the target audience is a huge range between 180 million to 217 million people. So it’s safe to say one or two will see it.
Pleasant Surprise
Once I woke up in the morning, I thought, I wonder how many people have signed up so I went to affiliate system. I went to my contacts and I was pleasantly surprised to see that four people had been added to my email list. Each had been tagged with the Facebook lead ad tag that I told the automation to add when they sign up. This allows me to see where people have come from, into my email list. Couple of hours later I checked again and there was another person so now in total within 24 hours I had five people that had requested the e-Book and signed up to my email list. Five may not sound like a lot but to get that in a day is pretty good and bearing in mind in the last 5 to 6 months I only got 10 or 15 via social media that is pretty good. Hence the title of this blog post. And potentially if I get that every day that’s as many as 1800 people in a year and in five years that’s nearly 10,000 people. Imagine having an audience of 10,000 people that are interested in your niche and know like and trust you – that’s why it’s gold.
Now, I need to give the ad at least seven days if not 14 to just run and gather data. After that, I’ll look at the data and the stats and see what’s working and what’s not working to be honest if I get five people a day I don’t think I’ll be changing anything on the ad. The next thing I need to learn is how to understand the cost per click, number of impressions and all the measurement around this process. I’m lucky I’ve got Dean and Sophie as coaches to help and guide me on that.
I hope this helps you understand the process of email frequencies on Facebook lead ads frankly a very powerful combination. The biggest lesson I’ve learnt is that to be successful in affiliate marketing you really do need to have a paid traffic as well as a free organic strategy. So with me, I have my blog and TikTok and Instagram, which are free but then to complement that and provide scale I’ve got paid ads via Facebook. The way I see it is the organic social media traffic is an opportunity for me to showcase me and for people to get to know me and see what I’m about where is the Facebook lead ad is about, focused traffic and building the list to scale and to grow the business.
If I just did leads ads people wouldn’t know me, if I just did social media I wouldn’t get enough people joining the list so I think this is a very good combination and I want to give it a try for quite a while to see how it goes.
Next week, I’ll talk to you more about the details of affiliate system itself. I’ve been working with it for the last seven months and it’s truly amazing. I’m gonna start introducing it to you section by section. This is currently only available to Dean’s coaching certified partners. At the moment it is not available to the general public, but I hear this may change soon in the future like I said above.
Please let me know in the comments any thoughts on what you’ve read here and what you think you’ve learnt and what you think you’ll start to do different. What will you stop doing now and what will you start doing? I’d love to hear from you, so please do leave comments below.
Thank you for reading, I hope it helped you in some way. You are only a few steps behind me!
Please leave comments, share with your friends and family and on the social media buttons below.
You can follow me on social media here using this links page. It will be great to see you there.
The best way to keep in touch is by subscribing to my FREE Newsletter where you will get exclusive content and even more value to help you build your online business.
Until next time, take care.
#Atif’s Academy
Atif, as always, your posts are packed with so much great information.
I completely relate to the experience of juggling multiple tasks while trying to optimize different aspects of an affiliate marketing business. Your description of setting up the email sequence and Facebook lead ads was particularly motivating! I recently ran an ad, and it was doing well, but the email sequence wasn’t converting, so I paused the ad, spent a month on my meilas and now I am ready to turn the ad back on!
I’ve found that managing an email sequence can indeed be a game-changer, especially when it’s paired with effective lead generation. Your approach to creating a detailed and engaging email series is spot-on. From my experience, expanding the email sequence to 20 or 30 emails is a great idea. It allows you to build a deeper connection with your audience and provides ample opportunity to offer value and showcase your expertise. And you get to take them on a journey, thinking back to when you started out and trying to give the all the tools and steps to lead them to success, without the overwhelm!
Since you mentioned feeling a bit stagnant on TikTok, have you considered using insights from your Facebook ad performance to tailor your TikTok content? Analyzing which content resonates with your audience on one platform can provide valuable clues about what might work on another. Sometimes, leveraging data from your paid ads can help refine your organic strategy and boost engagement across all channels.
Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences with Facebook ads and TikTok. Your blend of organic and paid traffic strategies sounds like a solid plan for scaling up. Keep up the great work!
Atif, looks like your off to a great start with FB Lead ads! I’m still working my way through the email sequence; it has turned out to be much more challenging than I thought. I like the way you structured your methods of traffic it makes a lot of sense! Here’s to your Success!
Congratulations on getting your first subscribers through the lead ad. May there be many more! Your description of the whole lead ad/email sequence was enlightening and will make a fabulous guide for anyone wanting to go down this path, especially me! You are such an inspiration to all of us!
Hi Atif – There is so much important information in this post and I really appreciate you sharing your journey with us. I’m glad that you are enjoying your new contract and that you found the city that you have to visit on a regular basis enjoyable. That is so important as you are not at home but at least you can appreciate and enjoy your surroundings. I hope you get a chance to get out more once the heat subsides, but in the meantime the pictures are incredible. Way to go on your Facebook lead ad. I can only anticipate that we will hear more about your success and more about your learnings and I am hopeful that you will share them with the rest of us. Wonderful week, my friend! You are
Hi Atif,
What an inspiring read! Your Doha experience sounds amazing, and it’s impressive how you’re balancing travel, work, and marketing strategies. Your approach to combining paid ads with organic traffic is smart. Keep up the great work, Atif! Your journey is truly motivating.
Hi Atif,
As Alison mentioned, your blog posts are, as always, packed with so much information!
Glad to hear that both your contract and your blog are going forward and, more importantly, giving you much satisfaction.
You and I can, I’m sure, relate to so many people who have lost that love of their work & surroundings.
Being able to do both of these and have a smile on your face is one of life’s greatest gifts!
All the best!
Atiff thank you so much for your excellent leadship in documenting your journey. You inspire us all to do much better, and push ourselves harder. We all feel like we are getting to know you in your blog.