Last week I wrote about the zoom call with Dean’s mentor Alex Jeffries. This is the final part, if you missed it you can read it here and then come back to this. In other news this week I have reached the 1,000 followers mark on TikTok, in fact I am currently at 1,122 with 16.7k likes. I have posted 148 videos. I was keen to reach 1,000 because it allows me to put a clickable link in my bio that takes people to my linkTree. I can now also explore TikTok Shop where I can recommend products and make a commission on the sale. I’m not sure about this yet as it is not the direction of the channel but will look into it.
Back to the Zoom call with Alex. We left it where he gave us an exercise to do. This was designed to define our WHYs and NEEDs for our business.
Alex’s Requirements – The ‘Things’
The first thing we had to write down is how much debt we are in? That will be the first goal, to earn enough to write that off. Loans, credit cards, overdrafts, mortgage and all the money that you owe. What is that total amount?
The second thing was asking what are we going to invest in? We’re going to invest next year once the debts are paid off. The idea here is we have to build our assets that will work for us. These will make money for us while we sleep and give us our time back. What type of investment are you looking at?
The third thing was lifestyle and he doesn’t mean glitz and glamour he means basic costs. How much is it costing including groceries to get through the month? You need to know these figures. Write down all your monthly living costs, food, bills, rent, fuel etc.
The fourth thing is the luxury lifestyle that you want. He gave examples of boxing lessons, date nights. Yoga, access to a chiropractor, adventures and going to shows. These are luxuries you reward yourself with for doing the hard work and building the business. Alex allocates $2000 per month for this kind of stuff as an additional $24,000 per year but that comes quickly and easy from the business after all all expenses. For me it would be, a few holidays per year, car collection, charity work, helping family and friends. Being able to do anything whenever we want within reason. Alex has allocated $20,000 for holidays next year. I would love that, wouldn’t you?
Alex then spoke about something really important that is manifestation. By thinking, acting, behaving and building your life in your business in a certain way things happen, amazing things happen that manifest themselves into life. He spoke about a film that he watched when he was broke and there was an actor in it. He went to Mike‘s (Alex’s mentor) office and that actor was there with Mike. Mike introduced the actor to Alex and said to him that this is Alex and this is someone you should receive coaching from. Imagine how Alex felt being broke watching this actor on TV and now he’s with him and possibly becoming his mentor. So, Alex said he manifested this, it was his thinking and behaviour and business that he built that allowed situations like this to happen. You can’t make this happen, you can’t plan it to happen. It happens because of what you’re doing as a by-product and this goes back to the saying “don’t chase money let money chase you”.
Another example of manifestation Alex gave was when he moved to San Diego there was this house that he really really liked but it wasn’t for sale and in his mind he decorated it and planned it what it would look like, but it wasn’t available. So he moved to San Diego and stayed in a hotel within 10 days that house was available and he bought it and he moved in. This is what he means by manifestation things happen because of the way you act behaving and think. From my point of view I truly believe that God has a plan for us and these things are blessings that you’re given because of the fate you create by your attitude behaviour, and actions that you take.
The fifth thing is then your business costs. To run an affiliate marketing business, you will need software and mentorship. He said cut out the things you don’t need and double down on the things you do need. The other cost is the investments you have to make into your business and into yourself i.e. coaching and mentorship costs. Alex has a person he’s mentoring who already has a business that’s bringing in about $7.8 million a year and Alex is now going to coach him on a 90 day program to get him to over 10m to 14m a year.When they ask what happens after 90 days? Alex tells them you’re gonna sign up for another 90 days because Alex is adding value to them, they earn and build more into their business making more money which they then reinvest into further coaching. That’s how it works.
He said at the beginning, you’re going to probably have to invest more in yourself and get less out of it, but you have to persevere and you have to keep going because it will happen but at the beginning it’s slower.
He quoted Jordan Belfort The Wolf of Wall Street when he said there’s one way to get rich and that is quickly. By learning from Dean and from Alex it makes it quicker for us even though it doesn’t feel like it right now it’ll be quicker to get rich this way then not having Dean and not doing this.
Alex’s personal saying is that “I made it through adversity not university”. He referred to his troubled childhood and how he didn’t go to school and he made it. He said he went from being the thickest person in the school to the most successful person in the school where he now goes to the Grammys and the Oscars and people recognise him and they know his story and he’s got fans all around the world that have learned from him. That comes only when you have a vision and that you stick to the method persistent and consistently. Do you? I have now.
He said Dean‘s program and mentorship is a business investment that we are making. Alex is a mentor to thousands and thousands of people and he said there’s so many that don’t make it and they blame others.
It was quite powerful what he then said around being active within this community and adding value and helping people and that we will make lifelong friends. And he said if you are comparing yourself to others saying he’s doing better than me or she’s doing better than me, then stop it because it’s not about you, don’t make this about you it’s about other peoples lives.
If you are feeling unloved, give somebody love if you feel like you’re not receiving value go and give someone else value and you will receive. A very important lesson.
We were then left with 10 minutes for Q&A and I quickly got in there and typed a question in the chat and it was given to Alex to answer the question. It was ‘what’s the biggest lesson you have learnt in all of this’ and he quickly said know your numbers?
He said, if you don’t have your numbers, you’re not in business and if you don’t know your numbers, you won’t be in business for long.
Another question came in around the niche being saturated and both Dean and Alex said absolutely not, they don’t believe that at all. In fact Alex said he tends to go only to niches that are saturated but you have to cut yourself through it. You have to be different and the way you do that is to be honest. Tell the truth the truth will set you free.
The next question is right what do you do when you get mental blocks and he said I make the goal even bigger so I’ll go above and beyond the thing that’s blocking me. He spoke about his mum feeds him constantly and gives him biscuits and chocolates so he made his goal is to get a six pack before his son does so then that becomes a bigger goal. That’s way above the problem.
Dean summarised, the call came to a close – it was a life changing call we were lucky and blessed to have had it and it was free. You could only imagine how much it would cost to have that kind of advice directly from Alex and to make things even better, Alex agreed that he would come back to us in the New Year, to have an open Q&A with him. As of today that hasn’t happened due to him moving to San Diego, but I reminded Dean in our Q&A this week and he will chase this up.
I hope you enjoyed these two blogs and got as much as you could from it. I’ve tried to give you as much detail as possible to give you a taste of the kind of people that I’m working with the kind of minds that are helping us and the level of coaching that we are receiving. That’s why I’m so keen for you to join in and get involved because I’m learning everything from Dean, Dean’s learning everything from Alex and I’m going to teach you everything I know so that you can build a business you can improve your life for your family and for other people and value to them. You have to be ready in Investec in yourself and your business and stick to it consistently.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Tell me what you think in the comments. Or you can email me directly through the weekly email newsletter if you have signed up. If you haven’t signed up, you can do so here or you can also go to my page and follow me on all my different, media channels if you want to get started in a affiliate marketing.
Please let me know in the comments any thoughts on what you’ve read here and what you think you’ve learnt and what you think you’ll start to do different. What will you stop doing now and what will you start doing? I’d love to hear from you, so please do leave comments below.
Thank you for reading, I hope it helped you in some way. You are only a few steps behind me!
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Until next time, take care.
#Atif’s Academy
YES! The meeting and content from that online presentation was impactful and valuable! Thanks for reviewing the content for us and publishing the main points. Lately, I have been all about kindness and have been really thinking about the concept of Servant Leadership. The statement, “If you are feeling unloved, give somebody love if you feel like you’re not receiving value go and give someone else value and you will receive…” really helps to support one who feels alone or unliked or worse…unloved. Congratulations on 1000! What an accomplishment, but I’m on your tail. I am at a whopping 49, so watch out, here I come! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Have a great day and week, my friend!
Thanks for breaking all of that down, Atif. I,too, look forward to having another Alex Jeffries webinar! Success is contagious. I no longer care what people think about my online activities! It’s my joy, my contribution!
Inspiring! I love to read about what other people have achieved, it helps remind me that despite what I might feel at time, it is possible, others are doing it and there is no reason I can as well.
Congratulations on your 100o followers, very impressive.
It’s inspiring to hear about your progress and the valuable insights you gained from the Zoom call with Alex Jeffries. Honestly, it was so long ago I forgot how inspiring he was, and look forward to him returning. I appreciate the detailed recap of the call and the key lessons learned. Looking forward to hearing more about your journey and the strategies you implement based on this valuable advice.
Thanks for the recounting of that session with Alex. It really reinforces my thoughts on the path I have chosen with my business online. I may be faced with some months of adversity – but at least I know my numbers and I’ve paid it forward by investing in the tools and people I know will help me to be successful. Persevere I will – with the help of mentors, coaches and an excellent mindest community.
Hi Atif,
You should be so proud of what you have achieved in such a short time despite being busy with your day job.
Congratulations on reaching 1,000 followers on TikTok. I am sure you will have more people coming up to you in the street because they recognized you from one of your social media platforms.
You seem to have such a good memory as I had forgotten some of the information from the time of the Zoom meeting with Alex.
Keep up the good work and the money will come.
Hi, Atif!
I was surprised by how much emphasis Alex places on numbers. We need to know our personal and business costs to grow our business. I suppose it makes sense, as we own our own businesses, and both personal and business money details are our money, so we shouldn’t see them separately.
I’ve been putting in a lot of effort to gain control over my monthly personal finances, Atif. I’m keen to identify where the ‘loose money’ is going and if possible, redirect it towards my business. This could potentially boost my Facebook Lead Ads.
Alex provided us with so much value in such a short time, which really emphasizes his lesson that our business isn’t about us; it’s about giving value to others. He did that while teaching it.
We’re in a good place with good people learning and growing our businesses. I’m enjoying getting to know you, and I think he made a good point. We’re all going to become friends and look back on this time when we were just starting, and it will be special.
As slow as the process seems, it’s happening quickly. Congratulations on 1,000 followers on TikTok! That’s a great stepping stone!
I look forward to hearing how your next week goes!
Hi Atif,
Thank you for that break down of our meeting with Alex Jeffries. It was an exceptional meeting we had! I had forgotten some of the things he had said in that meeting. It was really helpful hearing it again. I will have to go back to it and listen to it again. He really did have some good insight on the business, and how he has handled things through his journey. I did the whole “knowing your numbers” in the Iceberg Effect book I got from Dean, but I haven’t seen it in some time. That’s a good reminder, so I will have to look back at it from time to time. Thanks Atif!
Congratulations on the TikTok, I’m so pleased you are growing and getting recognised. It shows you that it’s starting to work and all your effort is doing something. I personally love watching them do thank you,
I actually often think of that session on a weekly basis. ‘What would Alex say’ often comes into my head when I don’t want to get out of bed and work on my blog…. I excuse would be accepted with him would it? I’d love another session with the group again.
There is so much value in this blog. So many different pieces of wisdom. The thing that stood out to me the most was the exercise of figuring out your debt all the way to the costs of the luxuries you want. That’s something I really need to take the time to do. I’ve done it before, but it changes, and it’s time to do it again.
I thoroughly enjoyed your recap of Alex’s Zoom call last week, and this week didn’t disappoint. I appreciate you capturing all the wonderful nuggets that Alex provided on his coaching call, it’s all GOLD! It’s one thing to have a mentor, but when you hear/read a call like this one, where they are providing you details accounts of those nuggets that help them in their success, it makes all the difference. I love your recap of the Zoom call, it was very enjoyable to read.
Hi Atif,
First of all, I have to congratulate you on achieving 1000+ followers on TikTok. An awesome effort and reward for all your hard work and perseverance with the apparently never ending stream of videos. Where do you get you ideas from? I wish I had the same imagination.
I haven’t seen the recording of the Alex Jeffries’ session yet. I will definitely watch it after your excellent coverage of its content has whet my appetite. Keep up the great work; I have a feeling in my bones that you will do extremely well and I want to be there to witness your inevitable success.
Hi Atif,
So good to get the review and highlights from Alex.
I am working on my budget so great to have this post to review.
Recently I have been reviewing point 5.
Business costs as I got the message re: numbers but could benefit from more on that.
Re: your growing numbers on TikTok. Soon I’ll be able to say, I knew you when!!
All the best.
Hi Atif,
Your post is consistently excellent, with valuable insights throughout. I appreciate you highlighting the training session we had with Alex Jeffry and the meticulous way you described each aspect covered. It’s evident that we’re in capable hands for nurturing our business growth. Thanks for your thoughtful contributions.
All The Best
Thanks for the recap of our call with Alex. I certainly learned a lot from that call. The biggest pieces of nuggets I took away were (there are a few), know your numbers, invest in yourself and your business and manifestation. Here is to our success.
Hi Atif,
Late to the game my friend but at least I’m here! LOL!
Sorry for writing my comment so much later than I wanted but life happens.
You are so right – this time with Alex was not only a great opportunity for us who were there – but also the chance to have him confirm to me that I’m on the right path to my financial freedom/success because he thinks just like I do – and well, look at where he is!
Looking forward to reading about your continued success; BTW, by the end of this week, my Tik Tok video + account should be up and running – so watch me now!
All the best!
Thank you Atif for this very detailed transcript of the meeting with Alex. It was a very good lesson of encouragement and hope that he gave to us that day. I look forward to when he will come back. Again, congratulations for your 1000 followers on TikTok, you deserve it!