In my last blog I said that the next one will be about ‘Why be an affiliate marketer and how?’……….Well, I wanted to write about something really important that happened recently, it actually questioned what I am doing and whether I am good enough. The next blog will be ready for next week as usual, so look out for it. I’ll send you a link if you are subscribed to my email newsletter.
Regular Q&A
We have a Q&A call on a Wednesday where we are learning about a new program and system. In the group we ask questions live and Dean and his team, Glenn and Sophie answer them for us, the partners. As well as the coaches our group has some members that are very experienced. Some are technical, others have great solutions to problems and we all help each other. Well one such person is, James Coe. He is quite the character and has a great amount knowledge and experience in email marketing and in the affiliate world. James has been following Dean since 2008.
James mentioned that some of the blogs he has read from this group are not adding any value. This point was further emphasised by Dean around mindset and then what really pushed it home for me was when Glenn gave his view.
These were the points raised:
James said;
“if the person that’s here at this point doesn’t have the proper mindset or methodology, you’re going to have less success if any success at all.”
“I would say this, you want to put yourself and it’s gonna be difficult but you have to, you have to put yourself in the persons position that comes to your website and ask yourself this question. Why are they here?”
“OK, no nobody is gonna come to your website to click a link and buy something that’s not why they’re there. If they don’t get any value out of that they’re not gonna stay, they have to know, like and trust you.”
“It has to do with value, when I read some of the blog post there’s no value, if there’s no value I’m not going to really respond to that and neither is the person that’s coming, that’s it, they don’t get anything out of it.”
“Design your blog for the phone because what I have discovered is when you go to the phone model it looks different and most cases is kind of like not readable and information is missing so my recommendation is when you’re writing the blog use the Phone model versus the desktop. Most people use their phone like 80%.”
“You’re gonna be more successful if people are going to be able to see your content because if they go to it and it doesn’t look good on the phone that’s very very critical.”
Dean said;
“Don’t think about making money as the first and foremost thing, which is almost sounds ridiculous to even say that out loud because that’s the purpose of having a business.”
‘I want to create audience because I know that by having an audience, my blog which documents my journey helps them’.
“James, picking up something you said, you said you followed me since about 16 years and you’re on coaching now. This could’ve never happened. This is what, you know everybody wants to take a lesson from that part that James is here today because of the initial things I did in this methodology that I’m talking about here.”
Glenn said;
“what James said there is absolutely 100% spot on, its vital”
“the mindset of this is absolutely critical for all the reasons James said I can’t emphasise that enough.”
“if you go into your world of blogging as it were with the mindset of I want, I need, it’s all egocentric it won’t work. You are looking at it completely the wrong way, you’re going about it back to front.”
“approach your blog without any kind of emotional attachment to an outcome, you have to do it with the point of view of the reader.”
“you could look at it as being like your content belongs in some sense to other people. It belongs to the people how they interpret it and the value they will get from it.”
“if you do it from that point of view the way in which you create your content, you’ll have a paradigm shift because it will all be motivated by how can I make the biggest impact in the readers life today”.
“sharing all that stuff, if you do it from a selfless point of view, and that mindset you will have far more success so just wanted to emphasise. I really wanted to add weight to that”.
Hang on a minute
For the remainder of the call something was really bugging me, it felt like they were trying to tell me something. I felt like they were talking about me. It was like I had been called to the head teachers room for a telling off. I know it wasn’t intended like that but there were a lot of powerful messages.
In the six blogs I’ve done so far, I thought I was adding value and have had really nice comments. However, thinking about it, I thought to myself, am I adding value for me? or am I adding value for my fellow partners? or what hit me was I should be adding value for the hundreds of people that haven’t yet read my blog who don’t yet know me like me or trust me.
At this point, a sense of panic set in and I thought, I need to sort this out. I felt like a failure, i’m not good enough for this.
Reached out to James – Tough Love
James made a lot of sense and I wanted to ask him what he thought of my blogs and their value.
I reached out to James and thanked him for the advice, and also asked if he could take a look at my blogs and tell me if he feels I’m adding value or not. He very kindly took some time out to help and gave me some, Let’s call it tough love.
He pointed out where I appear to be waffling, how the structure of the paragraphs could be better to give a flow. My blogs are clearly too long and why would somebody read the whole thing if they don’t know who I am?
This kind of constructive criticism is very hard to take but is gold when you realise it and make some changes. In essence, I’m going to rewrite some of my blogs, shorten them, think about the flow, take out unnecessary emotional stories or things nobody is going to care about. Put more context around what I’ve been doing that day to make it feel like real life, not just writing a blog. Ultimately write it for the readers I have and for the ones I don’t have yet!!
I posted on our group about this and was given further advice by Sophie and Dean to make those changes going forward NOT changing blogs I have already published. It’s about my journey, about progress. People should see me evolve and develop. They should see my blogs and content improve over time. Some blogs will be short, some will be long, that’s ok. I have to be ME. Very valuable advice.
I’d like to thank James for bringing this up and for taking the time to help. Also to Dean and Glenn, who emphasised the point about value. To Sophie for the great advice about not rewriting my previous blogs.
Sometimes we just need to be told directly that we’re doing something wrong and to fix it. That certainly was what I needed.
We are really lucky to have the coaches that we do but we’ve also got each other and people like James who has got a wealth of experience who are willing to help. Thanks James for helping me correct the course of my ship!
Tweaks and adjustments – What have I changed and what will I do?
My focus will be adding value to my audience by documenting my journey to becoming a Super Affiliate Marketer.
I will ask my audience, what they need, why they read and what their story is. What challenges do they face? Which topics and themes do they want to hear about?
I will only write longer blogs when the content requires it
I will use a larger font
I will increase spacing
I will reduce the number of images and their size
I will optimise for Smart Phone screen
I feel better knowing what I was doing wrong and that I have made adjustments.
I formed a friendship with James. Here’s is a shout out for James to his X (twitter) account you can follow him there, jamescoe (@jamescoe) on X
Its amazing what happens when you ask for help!
Make sure you ask people that know and have done it for help.
When you get advice like this you feel that you are a failure BUT when you listen and make some tweaks, you feel like you are on top of the world. We are not as bad as we think we are. I am adding value as my readers have told me so. In fact in one blog Dean himself commented that there is a lot of value in it.
If things are not working change the plan, BUT never change the GOAL!
Next time I will talk about Why be an affiliate marketer and how? We will go into more detail about the important things that need to be considered and done to start becoming an affiliate marketer..
Please leave comments, share with your friends and family and on the social media buttons below.
You can follow me on social media here using this links page. It will be great to see you there.
The best way to keep in touch is by subscribing to my FREE Newsletter where you will get exclusive content and even more value to help you build your online business.
Until next time, take care.
#Atif’s Academy
It is amazing when we have a paradigm shift. In this case it is a shift from self focused to servant focus. We are here to serve others first and self last. This concept carriers over into online marketing. Russel Brunson says to give your audience 10 times more value than they expect without expecting anything in return. This is because it is not about self. Is about providing value to others.
Along this same line is the growth curve we must go through to reach our destination. Seeking out knowledgeable people who can give constructive criticism is vital for success. When I was president of a public speaking club we were taught the sandwich method. This is where you complement some on what they are doing right & then constructively show them what they are doing that needs improvement and then again tell them something they are doing right.
however, like you so eloquently did, it requires setting all ego a side and having the spirit of a humble servant to hear and get value from the advice.
Last thanks for sharing the things you learned about improving your blog. I am also on the same journey and trying to improve my blog. I will take your advice into account as I work to better my client’s experience and provide more value.
Keep improving! The changes you are making shows.
P.S. I am trying to get my blogs shorter as well. It’s not easy.
CJ, how are you brother? When you say ‘ we are here to serve others self last’, that is what this is all about. That is the point that I learnt around all of this. I get the whole formatting and spacing and front sizes etc. That’s all fine. However, it’s that point that is key. And also having people around you like Dean and his team and fellow partners, such as yourself that we can turn to for help. I appreciate all the guidance you’ve given me and I would still welcome going forward even if you need to be brutally honest, it’s fine. I would rather learn and make a change that will improve my business all my mindset rather than sit there in ignorance and expect things to happen around me. I think where you and I both struggle a bit is the length of the blogs. We both write quite long blogs. And it’s probably because we want to get so many points across and don’t want to miss anything out and we probably are very much detail orientated. But what I’ve learnt is that why would people stay for so long, what’s in it for them? if I keep writing long blogs, people may stop visiting. So even though I tried to be shorter this time, it’s still a little too long, which has been pointed out by others in the comments. So next week I’m going to try and half it. It will be hard but needs must. Thank you so much my friend take care thanks, Atif
Hi Atif,
You’re an inspiration to me and to all who are on this affiliate journey.
You have challenges (just as we all do), and yet, you are always present at coaching sessions, you always give your all, and you take consistent action. All traits I deeply admire.
I also love how honest and transparent you are in both your blog posts and in coaching Zoom calls. Doing so builds trust, resonance, and rapport – the best path to success.
I plan to follow you closely as I foresee you building amazing tools which help a lot of people.
p.s. attention spans have gotten so short that I agree it’s a good idea to break your long posts into several shorter posts.
Many thanks,
Michael, well that’s really nice that I’m an inspiration for you. Not really heard that much in my life maybe from a few younger people at work that I’ve been mentoring. Well in terms of being honest I don’t know any other way. When I was younger and I was naughty or a bit dishonest towards my parents, I used to feel so guilty. My parents did nothing but the best for me and how could I treat them by being dishonest. As a Muslim, we are taught to always be honest and be kind and compassionate and have empathy for people. Also, if I’m not honest, what am I? What would I be to my children to my colleagues to my family and to anyone I interact with if I’m not honest? Honesty is hard to deal with, but it is just that, the truth. The way I see it is, I have to accept the truth and then change and adapt myself rather than me changing the truth just to make things easier for me or to look a certain way in front of others.
I am really enjoying the calls and the coaching and the interaction we all have. I’m really excited about building this business and I have high expectations of this. Just as I get help when I need it, I hope I’m also there for anyone who needs help from me. I’m intrigued by these amazing tools you think I’m going to build. I hope I do and I look forward to exciting times ahead for us. Thank you so much. Talk again soon thanks, Atif
You bring out many good points! I am very new to blogging, and I struggle to know what to say and how to say it. I want so much to be able to bring value to everyone that reads my blog. I am just not a good writer! I have so many thoughts going through my head, but trying to get them organized in writing is a challenge! I am working to overcome that challenge!
I think what James said about most people looking at things on their phones is quite true. I know I use my phone or tablet much more than my computer.
I think with all of the help and guidance we have at our disposal, we will all be able to get better at this! It just takes time and practice!
Here’s to getting better together!
Kelli, thanks for your comment. I am also new to blogging. I’ve never done this before. You say you’re not a good writer I disagree. Try not to think too much about it because you have these ideas and thoughts and stories and experiences in your mind and you just need to tell people. Just tell people your journey and your story. To make it easier what I sometimes do is make a list I love making a list. Make a list of blog topics that you want to talk about and then take one of those and break it down into Headings, like for example, introduction, Why am I doing this?, What happened so far? What I learned today? a valuable lesson and what I hope to achieve. These are all things you could use within your blog post to break things up or just use these headings in your mind. You don’t have to write these down. It just gives a bit of structure for you to lay out your thoughts on. in a very simple way, you could use our old chemistry experiments method of introduction, method, observations and conclusions. This could be a way of laying out what you want to say at high-level. Either way keep going. You’re doing great. It can only get better the more you practice. My challenge still is to make my blog shorter so next week I’m going try and make it half the length and normally do wish me luck. thanks a lot take care, Atif
I appreciate the openness with which you are sharing your journey! I am constantly battling myself, I guess my ego, on what and how I write. Because its so easy to write for ourselves …. its satisfying to service ourselves I suppose. But you present great points about remembering who you are trying to reach, and how best to communicate the message to help them. Onwards and upwards – we can’t get better without lots of practice and learning along the way.
Acasha, it’s all about practice we haven’t been doing it that long. Your blogs are great and I’m really enjoying reading them. We just have to think about who is it we’re trying to tell and what is it we want them to know. If we take ourselves out the equation, then is about them. But it’s your story and experiences that you’re telling them. It will all become easier in time. My challenge at the moment is to make my blog shorter I’m gonna try and make it half as long next week. That’s quite a challenge. Thank you so much keep going thanks, Atif
OK, so that was a long blog to say you will be posting shorter blogs ;0)
But well done for being brave enough to face up to your own self-doubts and to seek a second opinion.
I am often reminded by one of the great copy writers I know that people are always asking themselves “Whats In It For Me”, and I need to keep that in mond.
Thanks for this post, very though provoking
Tony, yes, you’re absolutely right, it was still a long blog. It wasn’t as long as normal, but it was because I had larger text more spacing and so it spreads it out. My challenge next week is to make it about half what I normally do. Call me out again if you think it’s too long. Thanks. ‘What’s in it for me’ is absolutely what people are looking for. You talked about a great copywriter, do you have any advice or people I could talk to around this any books you recommend?. I need to get better at writing and looking forward to it looks like there’s gonna be lots of it. I’m glad your thoughts were provoked. Thank you so much my friend talk again soon, Atif
Hi Atif,
This is an extremely valuable blog post.
I can see that you have improved a lot, all within a few weeks. So you should be proud of yourself.
I have a blog post idea for you.
You mentioned this:
I will use a larger font
I will increase spacing
I will reduce the number of images and their size
I will optimise for Smart Phone screen
These may seem like easy tasks for some people, but I’m sure many people will not know how to do them.
In fact, I am currently trying to figure out how to make my blog mobile friendly.
I noticed that when I add video or images to my blog, they don’t respond well to different devices.
So I thought this may be a good topic for a future blog post.
Alan, thank you so much any improvement would be a help I think. Thanks for the suggestion of doing a blog on these changes that are making regarding font, size etc that’s not a bad idea. Mobile friendly is quite difficult. You can make the text bigger and it looks better but then because the side bar is now at the bottom anything you want them to see on the front page is now at the bottom. I guess we have to work that out somehow. thanks so much I’m really enjoying your blogs. They’re amazing. Talk soon thanks, Atif
I remember when you posted to our group about going back and changing all of your blog posts! I was relieved when Dean, Sophie and Glenn stepped up quickly to advice not to do this. Your evolution as an Affiliate Marketer and as an evolving human would be stymied in doing so. Happy blog hopping!
Kate, thank you so much. Yes, I think it was a good call by Sophie and Dean when they stopped me from changing my previous blog post. I was actually ready to either delete them or drastically rewrite parts of it. I didn’t want to, but I thought I had to. So I listened to everybody and then I decided the best way forward which was to leave the ones I’ve done and then adjust going forward. There will probably be many changes going forward as I learn to be better at writing, it’s quite hard as I’m sure you know. Thank you for your support. Talk soon thanks, Atif
hello Atif
how are you looks like you great work in putting together this work.
Noor, thank you for your comment. It is quite a lot of work to put all of this together, but what is easy is that it’s about me and my experience and story. I just have to put it in a way where it helps other people and how to add value to them. How are you getting on? How are things with you? I haven’t been able to view any of your blogs so far as there seems to be some kind of technical issue. Make sure you ask Support for help and get that fixed. Let me know when it’s done and I will read your blogs. Thank you. Take care talk soon, Atif
Well this was a very valuable and interesting post. You raise some important issues and address them in a constructive way that we can learn from (instead of offending me and making me feel judged).
I think it’s important to remember that as we get started in anything new, like blogging, we probably aren’t going to be very good at it – and lucky for us not a lot of people will see our early efforts, but it all helps us grow, so that we can learn to do something that people do appreciate and gives them value. Kept it up.
Nathan,Ii’m glad you found it valuable and that you felt you weren’t judged in anyway. You are absolutely right. This is new to us and I’m not very good at it at the moment but that’s the whole point is to learn improve and get better as with everything in life. Thank you for your support. Look forward to reading your next blog too thanks, Atif
Atif, I agree with Nathan. I think you may have added to the blogging map a new course correction for all of us. look forward to watching your achievements.
Ken, thank you so much. The whole point of sharing and being open and honest with everyone is so that we can all make the corrections to our course that we need to do. Thank you for this I appreciate your kind words. Take care, Atif
I agree that mindset is so critical to this entire process, and without the right attitude and approach, one will never succeed. But I also think it is important to recognize that providing value can look different to different people. Two people can attend the same class, and one person can walk away thinking it was a waste of time while the other thinks it’s gold. Writing from the heart and sharing your experience will resonate differently depending on who is reading it, and people need to hear things at different times and in different ways for the information to sink in. This is a really great and thought-provoking post, thank you for sharing!
Alison, thanks I hope you are well. I agree with you that value can mean different things to different people. Not only that it can mean different things in different industries and subject areas. To give you an example I am a Consultant in process improvement it’s called Lean Six Sigma. It’s about making sure that the processes a business follows, add value to the customer or and user along the way. Value is defined as,’ the customer is willing to pay for or the customer experiences it and wants it’. If you are having a wall built in your garden, which activities had value to you, and which activities don’t value to you? I won’t answer this now as I plan to do a blog on it, but I would be interested in what your thoughts are. I’m loving your blogs you’re doing really well. Take care and I look forward to connecting again. Thanks, Atif
please don’t ever doubt yourself. You are doing a fantastic job. That was the most open and heartfelt blog I have ever read. I’m so glad you were persuaded to not change your previous blogs. They are part of you and should be left as your history in your journey. Looking forward to your next words of wisdom.
Thanks Andy, that’s very kind of you. Your message felt like a big hug of reassurance. Thank you. I am actually not that easily persuaded; what I do is I listen to different people I go and ask and get different points of view. Only then do I then look at the good and bad of each and then make a plan of what I think is best. I am very glad that you’re getting something from this. It’s strange to me that people get value from me just telling them stuff and about my journey. But I think that’s the genius of the blogging world that there is always somebody you will teach and there is always somebody you will learn from. Thank you my friend. Talk again soon thanks, Atif
Thank you very much for documenting your experience. I really enjoy reading your blogs but this was really interesting. I too reached out for help recently, it is really hard to to hear some of the feedback, but also very helpful when you breathe and act on their advice. I agree with Sophie, its all part of the journey, and it shows progress and growth.
I’m looking forward to your next blog. Thank you
Sarah, thanks a lot for your comment. I’m glad you enjoy reading the blogs, as I do reading yours. I don’t mind feedback even if it’s hard as long as it makes me a better person or changes my mindset or improve something. If feedback is just criticism, then I don’t like that, there needs to be a point. Our group is very good and helpful and kind so in time I hope we all improve together. Thank you. Take care, Atif
Atif, that fact that you are taking time to make changes, means that you are growing and moving forward. Sometimes we forget where we are and who we are talking to and we don’t do it on purpose, its just a natural human progression. To understand that and to re-focus is a great statement on your behalf. Through your post, I have found some ares that I need to work on. Thank you for the Post!
David, thanks your comments and you are welcome. You’re right we don’t do it on purpose. We have good intention but in rushing, not thinking things through, wanting to get a point across. We often forget who we’re doing this for or why we are doing this. And I think that’s the point of this blog; to refocus us all that that’s what we need to do. Changing font sizes, colours and spacings is all very well, but it’s the value of who we are doing this for what it brings to them is what counts. How are you getting on? What challenges are you facing? Take care and talk soon thanks, Atif
Loved it! I understand all of it. I was in that call and it was an awakening.
You’re doing great and I appreciate your blogs. Can’t wait till next week.
Also so much better to read from my phone! 👍👍👍
Sandy, thank you and it’s great that it’s much better to read on your phone. That’s great to hear. I still will need some further tweaks as some of my sidebar things are now at the bottom of the post on the phone Even though there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just some messages they will miss because it’s so far down.. Thanks for your kind words and I’m enjoying your posts too. How are you getting on. Talk soon. Thanks, Atif.
I love the new approach you’re taking—writing and providing value for your readers. It’s so true that if you offer value, readers will keep coming back, and who doesn’t want that, right? Absolutely a big YES! I think I may reach out and get an opinion on my posts. Thanks for the tip about checking posts on mobile too. Can’t wait for your upcoming posts!
Sherri, hey, thank you so much for your message. If I’ve learnt anything this week it’s about adding value for your readers in fact even the readers you don’t even have yet. It’s a good idea to reach out about your posts but be prepared to hear things you don’t like. It’s okay, as long as it improves something it’s okay to get that kind of constructive criticism. If you want my opinion or anything, please let me know and I’m happy to do so thank you. Take care talk soon,
Very thought provoking post. What is valued to one person may not be valued to another. If one perhaps is farther along in their journey they may not see it as valuable than someone who is early on in their journey, and that person really is our ideal reader. But I do respect that our mentors and coaches have a lot of value in what they tell us, and I like you, will heed their advice or perspective. I am glad you have taken it all in and have not become so discouraged you stopped doing what you’re doing. Because you have definitely taken the bull by the horns and are going for it. Love the inspiration of your determination.
Stephanie, thanks for your comments. I do agree that value to one person doesn’t necessarily mean value to another. That also goes for the length of the blog. Some people love reading and they’re happy to do so others just scan through it and some people don’t like reading at all. So it’s about creating a balance in the length of it, but then also adding as much value as you can for your readers. At one point, I actually thought about deleting some of them, but then reading what Sophie and Dean said, changed to my mind, and just made changes from now onwards. I find it strange, when people say I’m an inspiration or I’m very determined. Inside I don’t feel like that but that’s part of the learning of the effect you have other people. So you must be a positive one for them. Thank you I’m enjoying reading your blog, I look forward to your next one. Thanks, Atif
It’s inspiring to witness in group training, how an idea can be the spark of the week! This past week or two, the concept of ‘adding value’ had some of us reaching out for advice and learning to develop the skill of blog writing, which if new to us will take time to develop. Happy to be on this journey with you.
I would like to ask what a super affiliate marketer is and what it means to you.
Eleanor, thanks for your comment. You ask what a super affiliate marketer means to me . It is an affiliate marketer who has very high value products to sell that many others don’t. This means that they have a more exclusive product with a high price tag. Further to this somebody who has multiple products like this, as well as multiple third-party products to offer. And finally, the super affiliate would also have their own products that are created by them and they would be selling those so it is multiple streams across multiple niches. That’s what I would call a super affiliate and something I aspire to be. How are you getting on? How are things for you?
Hi Atif,
There’s a lot of value in writing a post like this. You’re very transparent to reveal your mistake and and humble enough to ask for and receive help from your peers and mentors. This is the kind of openness that allows those who read your blog to build trust in you. All the blogs I read outside of peers, for blog hopping, nobody writes like this. It’s like always reading an instructors post/teaching or a training. This is reading a “how to” through a persons life. I appreciate your honesty when you write. Until your next post!
Denny, thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate what you said and it means a lot to me. I’ve been trying hard for quite awhile and the only thing that’s gonna change things for me is if I change my mindset and behaviour. So when you say it’s like reading an instructors post or training then that’s exactly how I want it to be. I really appreciate that. How are you getting on I’ve been following your blogs too. They are really good and I look forward to your next one thanks, Atif
You are very good at receiving and considering constructive feedback. You have a true growth mindset!
And, having access to coaches like these are GOLD!
Katrin, thank you, you are right we have got amazing coaches. But regardless of that we have to change ourselves and this is what’s difficult. I don’t mind receiving feedback as long as I receive it. The problem was until James said it no one else said it so I’m hoping in the future, they’ll be a bit more direct. I know many won’t like that but personally I just need to know so I can make it better. How are you getting on? Talk to you soon thanks, Atif.
Don’t change! Some of us who follow you appreciate your content, long or short. The value you add is one to be emulated. I only hope to be able to provide the value and insight you have over your blogs – yes, I do follow you your journey, my friend. I find that I look forward to you posts. You have a great mentor and business model that WILL turn into a successful venture!
Ernie, you are very kind thank you. It’s very nice for you to say so I’m doing I guess what I’m supposed to do it’s just tell my story and help people. Yes our mentor is great and I hope we will all have the success we looking for how are you getting on? Talk soon thanks, Atif
Atif, Thank you for your heartfelt post! There’s so much to unpack here, I almost don’t know where to begin! The last thing I want to do is provide more advice, because it looks as though you’ve had enough of that lately to sink your teeth into. I will say, there’s some benefit to what you heard (and the changes you made) but at the same time… I think you may have been adding way more value in your other posts than you realize. Keep in mind, the posts you were creating, it’s been very obvious that you were writing from the heart, and the people who you are going to connect with will read and feel that. You will connect with the people with whom you’re supposed to connect with. Please don’t change (too much, anyway). I believe the suggestions about the mobile compatibility was much needed (I myself have been guilty of spending too much time making my desktop site prettier than my mobile site… however that doesn’t make much sense when 80% of the people are viewing on mobile! haha). Also… I’m long-winded in my blogs as well… and I often feel they are too lengthy. I often try to go back and edit them down as much as possible, because like yourself, I don’t want them to be too long. HOWEVER, whereas some people won’t like that, others will appreciate it. You’ll find your tribe just by being who you are… don’t change, my dear friend.
Lauren, thank you for your comments. I think you’re right as I felt some people were saying I’m not adding value were many more were saying I am. so I will make changes but the content has to be me, otherwise what’s the point and I could be shorter and use less words but it has to be my story. I made the text bigger and left more space between paragraphs so that it shows better on the phone. The only issue is all my side bar stuff has now been pushed to the bottom of the phone version. So it’s never perfect, but we just keep going. Thanks so much Talk soon, thanks, Atif
Atif, Such a very personal post, thank you for being so open and honest. I believe without a doubt when these things happen to us in life, we may hear something, read something, have watched something or have been listening to something that isn’t about us per se but we feel as though somehow it is speaking to us, it is.
You will have heard the saying – When the student is ready the teacher will arrive.
While your ego may have felt stabbed a bit by it because that is only natural, you heard the offering, you were in tune and you absorbed what was been offered.
You then took that offering and reached out to James who in turn was able to give you some great advice and tips, and you made a friend to boot! – FANTASTIC!!
Then you went further and posted to the private group, receiving even more offerings that were helpful to you which was awesome! The most important…not to change or delete the posts you have already made…because they are part of your map, your journey, your travel thus far. Great you haven’t done that.
I do want to pick up on one thing you said though which was….
“Sometimes we just need to be told directly that we’re doing something wrong and to fix it.”
You were not doing anything wrong Atif, not at all. You were shooting straight from your heart and there is nothing wrong in that 😊
Now you feel realigned and are much more clear on your path going forward, how you will provide even greater value in a more refined and defined way.
What a wonderful result from something that started out making you feel not good, disappointed in yourself and that somehow you were a failure…hardly my friend you are doing amazing and I commend you for not only hearing the offering but listening to it and making the adjustments that have benefited you as that was the intention when the teacher arrived 😉
That is growth right there! I Love it!!
Well done Atif
Karen, thanks for the comment, you get the prize with the longest comment I’ve received to date! I suppose you’re right, it’s not that I did anything wrong it’s more when things are not right I’d rather be told. Then I can do something about it. Otherwise I carry on in ignorance and instead of getting better and better things just stagnate and carry on the same. if James didn’t say what he said, I probably won’t have questioned it and carried on. My blog posts would’ve probably got longer and longer, but this way I’m not aware of it, I’m going to give myself a word limit and reduce the number of pictures and break it up a little bit more . If you look at Dean‘s blog, it’s just lots of small paragraphs with lots of spacing. He doesn’t use any images so what they’re really saying is it’s just about the content and the value. Thank you so much for your kind words I really appreciate it. You’re doing really well. I really like your Blog, and if I remember correctly we’re using the same theme and I may borrow some ideas from you as well. Thank you and take care all the best thanks, Atif
Hey Atif, you should never feel like you are being singled out I’m sure that could have been pointed at any number of people, me being a prime candidate. Your first blogs are like history if you remove or change them you have nothing to learn from and “History has a way of repeating itself”, If that makes any sense . Keep up the good work , look forward to following you on this crazy journey. Have a great week ahead.
Jon, thanks so much. I didn’t really see it like that but you’re right it is like history and it should be documented as it was. It certainly is a crazy journey and I can’t wait to see what happens for us. Thank you and take care thanks, Atif
I truly hope you do not believe what you say in your title that’s brutal and so untrue.
Jon, I think when it comes to the title, I wrote that based on how I was feeling. The whole point of this is to add value to people and help them. If I’m not helping people then I’m not doing what I set up to do. That’s probably why I said not adding any value but having said that I looked through my blogs and I do believe I am adding value. I could do it in less words I suppose. Looking at the comments I’ve received a lot of people feel that I am adding value so it’s about balance and making small improvements, overtime, equals big improvements. thank you so much! onwards and upwards .
After listening to the recording of the Q & A session which forms the basis of your blog post, after James’ comments, followed by especially Glenn’s, I immediately realized that this whole blogging thing was going to be more complicated than I had originally thought.
Glenn mentioned a book in his comments, and I have now bought for $25 an up-to-date Kindle version of the one he recommended. Using ChatGPT, I had to check that you could read Kindle books on a laptop, and you can, by downloading an app. I know that there will be a lot in the book that I already know, but I’ll try and avoid those bits and learn from the rest of it.
It may not arrive for a few months, but look forward to reading about what I learned from “Blogging All-In-One For Dummies” in a future blog post of mine.
Phil, thank you. I think you are absolutely right, blogging is a lot more complicated than we think. It can be seen as just writing stories or journals or just putting words down. It’s not a simple as that because those words need to be read by people and the question is why should they? And that’s where the whole value thing comes in. So, yes it’s not easy but then nothing ever is. I’ll be interested to see what you’ve learnt from the book you’re buying and I look forward to reading your review of it. I hope things are good with you. Don’t worry it will all work out in the end. We will all help each other and learn and grow. Take care thanks, Atif
Atif, I wouldn’t sell yourself short. I think you’re sharing some value. It may not be value in the conventional sense, but your value is your experience.
Like everyone, we all start at ground zero and grow overtime. Your messaging may take you in different directions until you find your spot inside your niche. Keep developing.
Paul, thank you so much for your comments, very kind. You’re right value can mean different things to different people. Let’s see where this takes us it’s very exciting. Thanks again all the best thanks, Atif
Hi Atif,
Some great pieces of advice in your blog. I definitely agree with not changing what you have done but only the pieces going forward. Over time, as your skills develop as a blog writer, it will be interesting to go back over earlier ones and see how much you have progressed. Appreciate that you shared the coaching session too. I am not able to attend due to time zone differences and was useful to read the feedback they were giving.
I was listening to a podcast this morning about writing and the person being interviewed said that most people’s writing was too long and did not take into account how people read. Less is more was a key takeaway.
Take care, Neal
Neal, thank you so much for your comments. That’s great advice and where you say writing is too long and we should take into account how people read. That’s my aim from now on. I guess the reason I used to do that is because I don’t want to leave anything out, I don’t want people to miss things. But that’s probably not giving them enough credit, that they are not understanding what I’m saying. This is all a learning curve and I’m sure you write when we look back and look at what we used to do and how much better we are now. Thank you so much until next time thanks, Atif
Atif, this article is a great example of documenting your journey- sharing big lessons learned along the way. That said, I think your articles have had a great deal of value already. You have one of my favorite blogs 🙂 I especially like the way you share your personal motivation and how you feel about the experience of having an online business. I wouldn’t want to read an impersonal blog. I could go to a nonfiction book or random article for that!
So, please do not lose that personal touch. It’s what keeps me coming back 🙂
Nakina. Thank you so much for your comments I really appreciate it. I knew I must’ve been adding some value otherwise I’m sure people would’ve told me. It’s just when it was mentioned in the group I just wanted to make sure that I was doing things the best way and the feedback I’ve got has helped me a lot. My next blog tomorrow will be shorter and be spaced out so I’d welcome what do you think about that. I think the whole point is for me to be open and show my passion for what I’m doing otherwise I don’t know how it would help people. Why would they come back and read more? How are you getting? on I hope all is well take care thanks, Atif
Hi Atif,
Firstly, on logging onto your blog page, I read on the latest blog that your father was not too well. I pray that his health improves.
Just to let you know I am still following your journey even though I am a good few months behind you and others on this.
I have just read your 2nd blog (January 2024) and found it very informative.
Value…………. ? Yes for me it provides value in helping it into making me aware of the potential pitfalls you and others on here have faced and I will / would come across as my relatively early steps on this journey progresses.
So glad you haven’t gone back and changed your older blog posts. Your past experiences and stages of evolving through your journey are reflections of what stage(s) I am at present and will be going through. It helps as a guide / path / a light for me on my journey through this and inspires me to continue with the belief that yes I can do this too!!!!
Looking forwards to reading your next blog, which is for February 2024.
Thank you Atif :o)