This week has been a real crazy one, that I have written this blog about it. At work it’s been super busy as my 9-5 project is entering the workshop phase. Diaries are busy and Easter means a lack of availability of people. A learning for my affiliate marketing business as things don’t always go as planned. At home, my wife has inspections at work and was basically doing 13 hour days. The recent strong winds have blown the felt of the roof and so it was leaking through the light in my son’s bedroom. The Insurance surveyor came for an inspection and so we need to re-lay the whole roof felt. Even more unexpected costs which my business aims to make easier to deal with.
Firstly, I must apologise because it’s the second week that I’ve said I would talk about my book review but something else more important has come up. I promise it will be next week and it will be something that’s very valuable to you. So TikTok, what’s is a middle-aged man like me doing posting videos on TikTok? Talk about fish out of water!
As part of the traffic training we had with Dean Holland. We have to have a primary traffic source where we create a presence and create content for people to consume. When they consume it, they get to know you. You can also direct them to this blog or to my linkTree page to get further engagement.
Last year I started with a primary platform using Quora. Even though I posted many questions and had a lot of views and upvotes, there hasn’t been as much engagement in going to my bio and coming over to the blog.
So, now I’ve changed my strategy somewhat. My primary platform is TikTok in the form of short videos. However, TikTok is changing and wants to compete with YouTube and therefore are encouraging videos over one minute long. In fact, the future payment (for those that get paid) via TikTok will have to have a minimum of a one minute video. I changed to TikTok as my primary platform because at the moment it’s the biggest platform with the most exposure and you can gain many followers very quickly. I can re-purpose my videos for Instagram, YouTube shorts and Facebook relatively easily.
In summary, my primary traffic source is TikTok and my secondary sources are Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Quora. YouTube, I think will be a longer term plan where I intend to do longer videos where you teach people ‘how to’ and guides on systems and software, and how to set yourself up for affiliate marketing.
All of these are organic traffic methods, i.e. free traffic. If this builds up sufficiently in the early stages, I may not need to use paid traffic however long-term I am considering using a traffic source like Google ads or Facebook lead ads. Coincidentally, Dean Holland will be training us on Facebook lead ads next week so is very timely. The paid strategy is called ‘amplification’ of your traffic to give it a boost. However, the audience is slightly different with TikTok because they see me, hear me and leave comments they’re getting to know me. They can directly communicate with me and ask for help and guidance. With the paid ads the platforms, FaceBook/Google will send my advert to people interested in that niche and if they click they will leave their name and email address and claim a free video or e-book that has some value to them, so even though they go onto my email list, they don’t actually know me or anything about me. So, that email campaign will be different for this group of people at the beginning compared to the social media ones, but at some stage in the future they will both join into the same email sequence. Talking of email sequences I don’t currently have one! task for another day and I’ll tell you about that in a future blog.
What should I post?
Now that I decided on TikTok, what on earth am I supposed to post? What will people think? I’m really nervous and scared of showing myself up. TikTok is full of teenagers and who will be interested in watching some old man talk about getting financially free and helping people set up an online business? These are the fears and frustrations I had before starting. I thought what if my friends, cousins, family and colleagues see my videos what will they say? I felt very exposed and vulnerable that I’m putting my life out there for criticism and I don’t want any shame or embarrassment to come to my wife, children and family.
Then I thought hang on a minute! I’ve just spent weeks talking about mindset and how you have to do things differently. Don’t expect different results from doing the same thing so it’s a bit hypocritical of me if I don’t go for it. So I did!
I started to brainstorm and list down things that I want to tell people. I tried to think in kind of a timeline order of what do I want people to know about me and what do I need to tell them. I managed to make a list of around 45 to 50 topics for example; why am I doing this? mindset has to change, five reasons to start affiliate marketing, what have you done so far? type of things.
What I have found since is that it is great to have a little structure of what you’re going be doing, BUT the best videos are the ones when you just think of something and film it. You might be out and about and see something or hear something and then you do a video about it. When I did that, I just added those to my list in order.
Video creation
Creating the video is not that difficult. If you create your video within the TikTok app, it puts a TikTok watermark on the video so if you want to re-post it anywhere else like Instagram, it will have the TikTok watermark on it. To avoid this I just record it straight onto my phones camera and then uploaded it to TikTok. At first, I just really had me talking with a heading above my head. What I’ve learnt since is that you have to have a title which is usually the hook. By hook we’ve been told is like a headline grabbing statement to draw people in to want to listen. This must be done at the beginning, almost as the first thing they hear. And what I found so far, the best hook has been, I can’t believe what… Because naturally people want to know what, and then they listen.
I try and do the videos in one straight cut without really any editing and over the weeks they’ve got better and now I have a system that I follow.
- IPhone
- Tripod stand
- Microphone
- Light
- Film the video
- Watch it back
- Upload to TikTok
- Generate captions and edit the text, style and colour
- Add a heading
- Add my blog address onto the video
- Add some keywords and hide them
- Add a description
- Add the hashtags
- Add some keywords in the description area
- Edit the thumbnail
- Add a thumbnail title hook
- Add location and check everything
- Press share, start praying and hope for the best!
I’ve got to the point that within minutes, I get quite a lot of views and it can get to 100 views very quickly. Remember not every video is going to do well and not every video is going to go viral. Don’t have the expectation that every video is going to have tens of thousands of views, because it won’t. Don’t be disappointed just carry on!
Researching some popular TikTok folk. The advice is to post three videos per day every day without fail for at least 30 days. This is to build your presence up and show consistency. To be honest I did start doing three per day but what I have found is that if you do a really good video with a good hook and tell a story people get really engaged and that video could bring in followers and likes all day long. I do approximately two every day but will build up to 3.
It’s also important to learn what time of day to post as well. I generally do around 10 am, 4 pm and about 10 pm. However, recently I’ve discovered that the ones I post around 6 pm to 8 pm seem to get a lot of views very quickly.
#hashtag hell
So all this hashtag stuff is quite confusing. Apparently using these helps the clever people at TikTok know which areas you’re interested in which people to then send your video to. The advice is to only have about seven hashtags. But it’s quite tempting depending on your video content to add further ones. What I’ve learnt is that if you have too many, it’s stalls the video and chokes it and doesn’t seem to get a lot of traction. So don’t get tempted to do too many hashtags try and keep it about seven and the same seven every single time.
The 200 ceiling
When I sent my first video out, I got over 800 views and I thought well this is easy. I’ve cracked it. I don’t need to do anything else. However, the next 10 or so videos got stuck between 200 and 300 views and wouldn’t move. It’s quite a well-known phenomenon in social media and it’s when people aren’t engaging with your content i.e. they’re not reposting it, they’re not commenting, they’re not pressing like and so it just sits there. It usually means that your content is not engaging enough. So this is something I found quite difficult and frustrating as it just felt like every video was just a dead end. I had to do something different. Remember! don’t expect different results from doing the same thing. Yes I know I keep saying it.
Breaking the barrier
Then one fateful day, I had done my video in the morning and it had got stuck around 200 views as expected. I was feeling a bit down and frustrated and thinking maybe this isn’t the way to go. I was getting on with my 9 to 5 job and I got a phone call from my son, he was driving back from work and was on the motorway and he sounded very panicky and scared and he said that one of the tyres has split and is starting to come off and one of the other tyres has some chunks missing from it. He’s 19 years old and even though he had AA road assistance cover for some reason the membership didn’t work or something. So, I thought what should I do? looking at his location he wasn’t that far away. It was getting dark and we were also fasting as it was Ramadan. I grabbed some dates and water so we could open our fast and some tools, and I went and found him, basically we managed to change the tyre and get him home safely. You can watch the video here. When I got home I was feeling a bit emotional because something could’ve happened to him. What if he had gone off the motorway and I was just feeling a bit emotional as he was too. He gave me a big hug and held me for ages saying thank you and I just said to him it’s okay, “that’s what Dads do”.
I came upstairs and something in my head just told me to make a video about it. I told the story posted it on TikTok and thought nothing of it. To my surprise the video went viral. The views went on and on, and then comments started coming in and then likes started coming in. People started following me and as of today that video is on 53,400 views. I’ve now got 474 followers and 2748 likes. What this taught me is that people don’t want you to sit there saying go to my blog and do XYZ because they know you’re going to sell something. They just want to be or told a story that gives them an opportunity to vent something or give their opinion. And this may have nothing to do with affiliate marketing, but this stage that really doesn’t matter.
Look at it like a funnel where you’re pouring in thousands of people what comes out the other end might only be a couple of hundred but they’re going to be true fans of yours and the other ones that you will take to the next stage will be getting to know you and getting to like you. You have to be careful you can’t just keep doing these overdramatic videos because it comes across as attention seeking. It has to be real you can’t just make stuff up. Since then I’ve had another video due 25,300 views another one 47,700 views and many others that I’ve gone over 1000 views. The consequence of getting many more followers is that they go and look at your other videos, and all of them that was stuck at 200 and now between 300 and 1000 and more. So this is a timing game. Just keep doing it and keep doing it and it builds and builds.
Comments from hell
Even though I know people can be really horrible with comments on the Internet, when you actually get them yourself, personally targeted at you it’s not very pleasant. Most people I would say 80% were saying very nice things, saying that they are glad my son is okay. Asking more about the business idea and generally being very positive about their comments. Unfortunately, there is a chunk of our humanity that seem to have internal issues where they feel it’s necessary to hurt people and attack them. They attack them on very personal things that have nothing to do what the post was about.
People have said stuff about the way I look especially my beard being called Santa and black Father Christmas and jokes about flying carpets and why am I in the country. I can handle these comments but it’s incredibly worrying that there’s individuals out there they feel that they have to do this…… Anyway.
Not all will be viral
A problem with some of your videos going viral is that it’s quite addictive. It’s a great feeling opening TikTok and seeing 10 new followers 5 new comments and lots of likes. You have to be careful that you don’t get too caught up in this. You’re going have good ones and you can have bad ones, you’re going to have popular videos and unpopular videos. So, the best thing to do is just carry on producing your content and try and improve and tweak how you do it. Be consistent in your messaging in your look and feel and headings and graphics that you use. Make sure the hashtags are the same, so you can start building up a stronger following
Connections made
Even though having over 470 followers now, does it mean they all will connect with you and start sending a message, no. However, a handful of people around 5 to 8 contacted me directly interested in finding out more about affiliate marketing and what I’m doing they were interested in finding out how they can start. Remember when you want people to DM you they have to be following you and you have to be following them so check that otherwise there will be no messaging. I sent instructions and directions and what to do next and I’m happy to report that and I now have 6 people on my email list. They would’ve received their two free video trainings and if they are interested, they will continue to follow the blog and the email newsletters. I want to build a small community of like-minded people that are happy to help each other and give value.
I want to help them fix the problems that caused them to want to connect with me after seeing my videos. This is real. This is peoples lives. These are families. These are real issues to fix. I’m taking that responsibility to help people because I genuinely care about fixing problems. It’s part of my day job it’s what I do. I fix business processes and help people with the impact of change and finding pain points and developing new ways of working. If can do that for corporate clients, I should be able to do that with any human being, all my brothers and sisters around the world. That is a very satisfying aim. I hope to achieve this for years to come.
Consistency Consistency Consistency is what is needed, everyday
If any of you are using TikTok or indeed any other short video form, I hope these tips and tricks that I’ve gone through and learnt go onto to help you. I made a pledge that everything I learn I will teach you, everything I find out, I will tell you, any mistakes I make I will share. Continually adding value to you and help you build an affiliate marketing business, like I am. I know I keep saying it but you’re only a few steps behind me and I’m only a few steps behind Dean. When I started I had nobody but now you have me, and I have Dean. That’s very powerful.
Next time I will, I promise (really promise) to talk to you about some books that really changed my life and lead me to where I am today (on the right path (in more ways than one)).
Thank you for reading, I hope it helped you in some way. Is this what you are thinking of doing? Let me know your thoughts. You are only a few steps behind me!
Please leave comments, share with your friends and family and on the social media buttons below.
You can follow me on social media here using this links page. It will be great to see you there.
The best way to keep in touch is by subscribing to my FREE Newsletter where you will get exclusive content and even more value to help you build your online business.
Until next time, take care.
#Atif’s Academy
This is brilliant and brings a lot of value. I personally follow you on TikTok and your videos are going from strength to strength. You look a lot more confident and it’s been a pleasure seeing you get confident with it all. This is something I still need to improve on my end! I always forget to direct them to comments or promote my website more… hopefully I’ll learn soon!
Some of the comments are vial and I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this. You’ve handled it incredibly well.
I get a lot of inspiration from your videos so keep them coming! Well done!
Sarah, thanks for your comments. I’m not sure about TikTok. It goes either really well or really bad. You do gain confidence as you create more videos. However, what I find is if I talk about affiliate marketing, I’ll get very little views if I talk about the cost of something or their opinion on something then I get thousands of views. So basically people like just giving their opinion. But then that doesn’t tie back to the business side. Something I need to learn and work on and improve. Thanks, Atif
Atif, as always, your blog is filled with a ton of value!!! I appreciate the information and love watching your TikTok videos. It is good that you are not only talking the talk but truly walking the walk and it is inspiring to see how you are taking your own advice and shifting and changing up strategies to see different results. I wish you so much success this year and looking forward to your next blog post!
Alison, thanks for your comment. I’m finding TikTok quite difficult as it’s hard to gauge exactly how to target my audience. Talking about general things seems to get more views about something more specific like affiliate marketing. Either way I’ll just keep trying and overtime, it should get better, thanks, Atif
Atif, I gained SO MUCH from reading this post! I feel like I just took a course on TikTok… but in a good way! I’m working on getting up and going on TikTok and it all seems overwhelming to me. After reading this, I feel I have a better understanding what I can expect when I post my first 10, 20, or even 50 videos. Similar to you, I am currently making a list of the first 15-20 videos that I plan to record. That’s helping me get a little more clearer on what I’m going to be talking about. After reading this, I’m going to go back to my list and make some changes. The fact that you reiterated that people are looking for stories… and they don’t want you talking about business.. the is GOLD! I had planned to speak mostly of stories, but I was going to throw in some business stuff too.. now after reading this I want to limit those “boring” videos as much as possible. Thanks for that!
Lastly… I am so incredibly sorry that you had to put up with those hateful comments when you shared the story about your son. It’s uncalled for and that should never be tolerated. I know it didn’t make you “feel good,” but I’m glad you’re wise and strong enough not to take it to heart. You’re so much better than that… and you’re on your way to changing so many people’s lives!
Thank you for already helping me on MY journey!
Lauren, Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback! I’m thrilled to hear that the post resonated with you and provided clarity for your TikTok journey. It’s fantastic that you’re already brainstorming your first batch of videos and adjusting your approach based on the insights shared. Remember, your stories are what will truly engage your audience, so focusing on those will definitely pay off! And regarding the negative comments, your support means the world to me. Let’s keep spreading positivity. Thanks, Atif
Awesome job Atif
Yes, you broke the code! So glad for you.
Great job explaining everything.
Hope the water issue is all set as well.
And no matter how much we try to prepare ourselves there is always something that comes up unexpectedly!
Great post
Sandy, thanks for your comment. We’ve got a temporary solution. I’m waiting for the insurance company to get back to me. These things really drag on don’t they thanks, Atif.
It is very interesting to hear what you’re up to on TikTok. I’ve been meaning to get on there myself and I’m planning to use it as a primary traffic source. Even though it may be a whole lot of people that are younger than me, I know that many of them could do great with affiliate marketing, and in fact affiliate marketing is the primary way they can make money with TikTok, if that’s what they want.
Nathan, thanks for your comment. If I was you, I would just start just go for it. There is an image of TikTok being for young people. You’ll be surprised all ages, all types in all different areas are on TikTok. Overtime, you will start growing an audience in the area you’re interested in. Just go for it, thanks, Atif
Atif, what a heartwarming blog entry. I’ve been following you on Tik Tok. Thanks for sharing the numbers of views, likes and subscribers! Well done.
I realized recently that talking about Affiliate Marketing was not only a turn off but bored me to death. So I’ve just this week changed my strategy to story telling and leading with “unpopular opinions. “ Gets them every time!!
Kate, yes I agree with you. I’m still in that area of not being sure whether to post something personal or general or something specifically about affiliate marketing. There are people interested in it but there is slower engagement. I get high engagement when I give my opinion on something and others want to comment on it, I guess it’s a learning curve thanks, Atif
Hi Atif,
What a wonderful blog and amazing the number of views you have been getting on Tik Tok. Thankyou for sharing the numbers. The younger ones like a good story especially when things don’t go to plan in our lives. You are always so busy but you have had a lot to contend with recently.
Hope the roof repairs go well.
I was not planning on being too personal with my blogs but it seems to be working for you. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to following your progress
.Cheers Regina
Regina, thanks for your comment. I’m still learning how to best go around TikTok. There’s too much to learn and there’s so many variables. It goes well when I make my opinion clear on something and people want to disagree with it. That’s fine because you get good engagement but it’s not necessarily around the areas that we want to. Either way just have to keep going, thanks, Atif
Atif – This is such a valuable post for me. I’m still attempting to decide on my primary platform. I have 2 questions 1) Did you get training on TikTok and if so, where? 2) What made you choose TikTok over YouTube or Facebook as your primary? Your story is very encouraging and I am enjoying following you.
Ernie, thanks for your questions. Firstly I didn’t get any training on TikTok. I’ve been watching others in various niches that I e.g. like cars and cooking and stuff like that and you can get used to how people do things. I have searched around for how to get more views and how to post a video, but other than a few tips and tricks I didn’t really find anything. What really did it is just doing it every day I post between one and three videos every day and in each one I make an adjustment if I think I need to or I keep things the same if they’re working. The biggest thing I’ve learnt about TikTok is people don’t want to be sold anything and they don’t want to be dictated to. They want to be told a story that will make them think or laugh or give their opinion. It may have nothing to do with affiliate marketing, but that doesn’t matter at this stage they getting to know you . I chose TikTok because it’s the biggest platform and has such a huge following that the probability of getting views is very high compared to the others. Instagram, YouTube shorts and Facebook are also my secondary forms, but they don’t get anywhere near the views of TikTok. I will be using YouTube to develop a proper channel where I will do ‘how to videos’ and podcasts etc, and that type of thing , I need to learn how to do that and that a longer game. Thanks for your questions and if you have any more, please let me know. Thanks, Atif
Thank you for your reply. This is very helpful to me. I am several steps behind you, and I appreciate your willingness to share!
Hi Atif,
I am so impressed with how well you are doing, and just have been at it for less than a month now! I always look forward to reading your blog post, because you always have great topics, and good information. Now I look forward to your social media post as well! I’m one of those people that is right behind you in my business, so this is sooo helpful for me!! Thank you for that. Don’t Let the mean people get to you. They will fade out soon. Keep up the great job you’re doing… I look forward to your next blog post and video!
Meredith, thank you for your kind comments and your support. It means a lot. I’m looking forward to seeing more your content too. Thanks, Atif
I am following you on TikTok and am so pleased to see you grow.
I very much appreciate your tip about uploading videos to TikTok as like you have been doing trial and error
to learn but found I was always running out of time.
So uploading a video gives you more control and allows you to repurpose to other social media particularly YouTube is exciting.
I suppose a real fear of going ‘public’ on video has been about what people will say and that has stopped me and many others!
But now you know that possibly 20% will be negative but 80% will bring you closer to those who want to learn from you and hopefully, that will inspire you to keep going.
You know what some of the pitfalls are and you are learning!!
We are here with you cheering you on so keep going.
Eleanor, Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! It’s wonderful to hear that you’re finding value in the tips shared. Remember, overcoming the fear of going ‘public’ is a journey, and it’s amazing that you’re taking those steps forward. Knowing that the majority of feedback will be positive can be a great motivator to keep pushing forward. Your support means the world to me, and I’m grateful to have you cheering me on. Let’s keep learning and growing together, thanks , Atif
Hi Atif,
First things first: thank you! Thank you for seeing over the hate and negative comments. It is common for those who are behind a “fake name” or handle to want to vent to others when they have issues themselves.
Making sure that you see that many more people provide positive comments and support is great to see as well.
As for Tik Tok and videos, you’ve got me hooked my friend! Coming back from vacation and having taken the time to review how and what my primary traffic method would be was great – you just put a seal on it and confirmed that it’s the way to go!
One other point you brought across was the “what will they think?” part if family saw your videos, etc… My take on that is simply this: if they pay my bills, they have the right to a comment but since they don’t, well….
Wishing you continued success and will look to you for some great education on my upcoming Tik Tok videos!
All the best!
Marc, Thank you so much for your heartfelt message and support! It’s true, focusing on the positive feedback outweighs the negativity. I’m thrilled to hear that my insights have helped solidify your decision to dive into TikTok. Remember, your journey is yours alone, and staying true to yourself is key. Wishing you all the best on your TikTok endeavors, and I’m here to provide support and education along the way! thanks, Atif
You have come such a long way in such a short time. Your post is invaluable and if I could get to be half as successful I would be ecstatic. I have a couple of stories as potential tiktok videos but I’m thinking it might a bit premature to add them now as I’ve only done 11 so far. Oh well, let’s see what I come up with.
Andy, thanks for your comments. You’re doing great. I watch you on TikTok. Just keep doing more of it and try varying things a bit in what you talk about or maybe the location. Sometimes being outside or an event still is more curiosity with people. Thanks, Atif.
That was a great post, that I am sure will be very inspirational to many of our partners who are planning on using video in general and Tik Tok in particular. You may remember that a month or so ago I spoke on the Wednesday AS Q&A call asking whether Dean thought that my stoke-affected voice would be suitable for video. The next day somebody posted in the Facebook group giving me a lot of encouragement, and many comments followed, including, I think, one from you, that were also very supportive. However, I produced a basic 3-minute video and sent it to Glenn and Sophie. Glenn gave his opinion, backed up by Sophie, on an “Ask Us Anything” call. I then sent the video to Dean for a third opinion. All of our three maestros gave their opinions in their usual kindly manner, leaving the final decision up to me. However, it was clear that they all thought that I could get my message out there better if I used methods other than video. Dean put it best when he suggested that I wouldn’t be able to throw out my “hook” quickly enough. To sum up, I’ve bought an e-book on blogging and I’ll shortly be looking into joining “The Warrior Forum” and possibly several other similar sites to help get my message out there. All this, of course, takes nothing away from the excellence of your post.
Phil, Thank you for your thoughtful comment and sharing your journey with video. It’s heartening to hear about the supportive community response you received, and your proactive approach to exploring alternative methods to share your message. Remember, there are various avenues to convey your ideas effectively, and it’s admirable that you’re exploring different options. Wishing you all the best with your blogging endeavors and your continued pursuit of getting your message out there. If you ever need support or guidance, feel free to reach out. Atif
You knocked it out of the park!!!! Your insights into TikTok are very valuable and helpful. You brought out that one can’t just keep doing overdramatic videos to get likes and views. I was looking on TikTok university and they suggested a 50/50 split between entertaining and educational/training videos.
They said if one just does entertaining videos then they will miss their true audience.
Another pointer that was given to me is know what the algorithm likes and product your videos based on what it likes.
Lastly, As you pointed out don’t wait or fret over doing the video’s just jump in and learn as you go.
Awesome job on the post.
For newbies on TikTok I would suggest looking at TikTok University. It free and has everything TikTok.
CJ, thank you so much for your kind words, my friend. You get a lot of credit for my success so far as I have learnt so much from you. You’ve given me tips and tricks and advice all the way. Even encouraged me when I felt like it’s not working well you always give a different angle on things which really makes me think. So thank you again so much Atif
Congratulations Atif.
You are right that people sniff quickly when you try to sell them something.
I checked many videos to see how to do TIKTOK. Trust me, most of them were not worth the 2 sec I spent on them.
Great hook and quick delivery.
About the unpleasant comments, I remember what my friend Matt Fiddes said when he was talking about haters. They are the fuel for your marketing, the more you have them, the bigger you grow. Just do not take them personally.
Tom, thank you so much for your comments and your encouragement. It means a lot. Yes people tend to comment when there’s something they have an opinion about. But that isn’t necessarily how I thought things would have to be. Anyway it’s a learning journey so let’s see where it goes. How are things with you? I hope all is going well. Thanks, Atif
What a great post. So full of tips and helpful information from time to post and #hastags. I always learn from your posts. It is very evident that you truly want to help people and that my friend is going to make you successful, I have no doubt. Glad to see you are doing well on TikTok. I hope to do as well as I am just now starting to post my videos. I look forward to your next post about the book review.
Sherri, thank you for the comments and I hope you found it useful. Thank you. TikTok is a strange world. Sometimes things appear to be going well and other times not so much. Everything is a learning game and it will take a long time to learn this one. How are you getting on, thanks, Atif
Hi, Atif!
Congratulations on breaking that 200 barrier!
I’m thrilled to see a to-do list for how to create a TikTok video!
I like instructions 🙂 I’m noting this post for future reference.
I am so glad to see your success and growing confidence.
So glad to watch your business grow!
Nakina, thanks. I’m glad the post was of some value to you. Feel free to ask me any other questions. I’m still learning and I don’t think I’m anywhere near understanding it yet. How are you getting on? Thanks, Atif