I am petrified and excited in equal measure as I start my first ever blog. It’s not writing the blog but what it means, what lead up to this point and more importantly the future I pray for.
Simply put, I want to leave my old working life behind and build a business that will allow me and my family (and that includes you) to achieve financial freedom and a new life where I can add value where it matters. A life where I have control of my time and finances not a job or company where I work hard, they get rich and I have nothing to show for it. Do you feel like that?
My story is one of a perfect childhood, with the best parents and sisters in the world. One with the best wife and children I could have ever dreamt of, growing up and living in the best city in the world, London! I am so grateful for what I have and who I have and the opportunities Allah (God) has given me throughout my life. The issue is the work/life balance and the financial strains of modern life. We are promised at school and by family that if we worked hard at school and get good grades, go to university and get a degree we will have an easy life and security for life. We will have money and savings and able to enjoy life. To a certain extent that is true and I have had great benefit from it.
I struggled at school in the 1970s, I was told I am a day-dreamer and that I will amount to nothing. I was bullied quite a lot and this affected my confidence and self-worth and even to this day. Exams and the way schools operate in a way that all children are the same is not how I learn. If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, then that fish will always think it’s stupid. We are all different and have different learning methods. I will talk more on this in a future blog as I think it’s very important to understand.
I struggled through ‘O’ Levels and ‘A’ Levels very badly. Went to university and got a BEng (Hons) in Manufacturing System with Business. It wasn’t until uni that I felt I was able to flourish, I don’t know why. Looking back I am convinced I had some kind of learning difficulty like Autism or Dyslexia but I was told I’m slow and a day dreamer. What I did have was amazing parents and sisters who always supported and encouraged me. I have had a very good career in Engineering and Consulting for the last 25+ years. I have learnt so much, worked with amazing people and have skills now that I think many people can benefit from.
So, why is it so hard to live month to month? Bills are getting higher, savings are non-existent. Work is getting more stressful. Food and shopping is extortionate? Where are the holidays, savings and lifestyles we were all promised?
I’m 52 now (in 2023) and I thank Allah (God) for all I have and am incredibly grateful. So what is it that I want or need?
This is my MISSION?
I want to be able to……Pay for all my children’s education without them having to get loans that they will have to pay off for decades after they graduate.
I want to be able to……Pay off the remaining 4 years of my mortgage
I want to be able to……Retire my wife so she can live how she deserves (she works so hard)
I want to be able to……Provide fully for my family so that my wife doesn’t have to work if she doesn’t want to
I want to be able to……Pay any bill and expense without having to get stress and anxiety about it
I want to be able to……Have savings so that any surprise costs can be dealt with
I want to be able to……Support my children/wife/sisters/family after I am no longer here
I want to be able to……Take my children and extended family on great holidays and days out
I want to be able to……Take my wife wherever she wants to go
I want to be able to……Buy my wife the car she always wanted
I want to be able to……Support my sisters and nephews and nieces anyway I can as their husbands/fathers are absent
I want to be able to……Finish the building of our local mosque due to lack of funds, so the community can benefit from it as a centre for their families
I want to be able to……Build schools and mosques around the world for poor children and communities to flourish
I want to be able to……Build a school in my Mothers Name (she passed away in 2022) as she was a teacher in Pakistan and here in London
I want to be able to……Buy a few of my favourite cars as I am a major petrolhead
I want to be able to say……That my kids were proud of me
I want to be able to say……That my wife was proud/happy of/with me (happy maybe stretching it a bit lol)
I want to be able to say……That my parents were proud of me
I want to be able to say……That Allah (God) is happy with me and how I treated my family and that I achieved my responsibilities to them
I ask myself, am I able to do even a few of those things with the current lifestyle, job and financial situation I have? The answer is a resounding NO. I do not wish to appear ungrateful or greedy, it’s that I want to redress the balance of what adds VALUE in my and my family’s and other people lives.
What’s changed?
My view has changed recently for many reasons. In the last 2-3 years my Father-in-law, Mother-in-law and my Mother plus many other family and friends have died. My children lost 3 Grandparents in 18 months. It makes you focus on what is important and that is FAMILY and adding VALUE to their lives and others lives.
That’s why I want to start a business, I hope you can see why and I would love you to come on this journey with me. Watch what I do, mistakes and all. Maybe it will inspire you or your friends and family to do something similar. Is it scary, yes. Is it full of risk, yes. Is the potential reward out of this world? YES!!
I have been very open and honest and I think it’s very important to do so. I want to engage with people that feel the same and maybe in a similar situation who want to change their lives. I want to have accountability for myself and what I am going to do about all this. By sharing this with you I am accountable and it will help me stick to this and what I need to do to make things change. I hope and pray that what I share and go through will help you and others in a positive way. It’s also like therapy for me, to revisit the past, find the root cause of issues and then change something, adjust my mindset. After-all, as Einstein said, “Don’t expect different results from doing the same thing”. I wish I had something like this when I started this journey, a guide, a mentor someone who I could turn to. Maybe I can be that for you, I am only a few steps ahead of where you are! Let’s do this together.
My initial goal
So what happens now? I have made a goal to make $1 earnings online. If I can make $1 then I must be able to repeat that, right? My 2nd goal is to make a lifestyle plan, what is required, financials etc. I will share this with you.
Next time, (I aim to post at least once per week, usually on a Saturday so look out for it) I will explain what I have done so far, the challenges and yes the mistakes, lots of those!!
I would like to thank you for reading my first blog. I hope it was of use for you and that you would like to leave a comment below and stay in touch. Tell me your story and where you are up to. How’s it going for you? What do you need help and guidance on?
Please post your comments, I would love to hear from people in my situation that are wanting to start an online business and leave the OLD LIFE behind and head towards your NEW LIFE Lets do it !!
Please leave comments, share with your friends and family and on the social media buttons below.
You can follow me on social media here using this links page. It will be great to see you there.
The best way to keep in touch is by subscribing to my FREE Email Newsletter where you will get exclusive content and even more value to help you build your online business.
All the best,
#Atif’s Academy
Atif, Nicely laid out presentation on your first blog post!
Your “My Story” section certainly shows what’s important to you as well as some of your pain points.
Great comment towards the end for wanting to foster a community around shared interests and passions.
Go TeamBABA Go!
Robert, many thanks I tried to make it simple and then build up over time. I really want this to be something that not only helps me but others in a similar situation. I look forward to chatting with you again.
Thank you Atif for sharing this post! I’m too an engineer in my day job, but in electronic and aerospace, so you can imagine what a step out of my comfort zone I had to make to start this affiliate marketing journey! But, like you, I’m learning. I’m now at a point where this is a passion for me and I enjoy every moment I spend on my blog. I started in June this year 2023 my journey but took the last few months to revise my blog and strategy online.
It is all honorable goals you have there! Congratulations! Never give up, life will gift you for this.
Martin, thanks so much for your comments. Both Engineers! that’s great. It’s the skills I learnt there that I think will help me in this new endeavour. It’s great to see you are enjoying it and have the passion, that’s really important. The goals are big but it has to be things that will be life changing otherwise it may not be that different from now. How’s it going for you since 2023, what have you learnt what progress have you seen? Great chatting, will talk soon hopefully.
You have a lot of goals. Have you calculated the actual monthly amount of revenue you will need to achieve that goal? If not, I would recommend doing so.
Christopher, thanks yes I do have a lot of goals. I wanted to put it all out there. Realistically I have to see what is most important. It would be fantastic if I was able to achieve all of them but life is not like that. I have done some basic costings but not on all. I will do that thanks for the reminder. How are you getting on? are you pleased with progress? What challenges do you see going forward? Regards, Atif
Hi Atif,
Your comments resonate very well with me. Your goals as well.
Wishing you all the best in your endeavours and looking forward to reading your future blogs and how you’re making it all work for you!
Thanks Marc, it’s comforting to meet others who feel the same as oneself. It helps create a support structure. Thanks and talk again soon. Atif
Hi Atif…really great first post…I love your heart! I admire your goals and I commend you on your honesty. I wish you the very best on your journey and I look forward to following you as you progress to success! 😊 https://karenelissabeth.com/blog-2/
I love your heart! Wow what a nice comment. I always have to be honest and real. I am looking forward to progressing this and would welcome your feedback and I move forward.Thanks. Atif
Hi Atif. Like your story and your goals that you’ve set, Many of them resonate with me. I wish you well on your journey and look forward to dropping in sometimes anc checking your progress,
Thanks Steve I hope to meet as many goals as I can. I appreciate your support and look forward to chatting more. Thanks, Atif
Atif, You spoke from your heart and that, my friend, is so honorable. I can relate to your story on so many levels. Your “I want to be able to…” section offers a great reflection onto so many others… Wishing you all the best, and I can’t wait to read your future posts!
Milissa, thanks so much for your kind words. I found it hard to speak from my heart but I thought if I don’t how will it help any one? It also helps me keep my journey real and on track. It’s like therapy I suppose. Please check in every week and let me know what you think. Many thanks. Atif
Hi Atif, Great start on your first blog post you have so many wonderful “I want to be able to” I can relate to as well. It was really nice to read of the things you want for your family and that you are thankful of what you already have. Having the right mind set is what makes the difference for our selves and people around us. So I have no doubt you’ll achieve what you want. Wishing you all the best now and in the future.
Michele, thanks for your kinds word. It’s great to see that my goals align with others. I look forward to watching your journey too. Atif
Hey Atif, Great stuff! I really like your enthusiasm and transparency. We are alot alike in that aspect. I too want more out of this life and I am bound and determined to get it! I look forward to watching both of us grow and succeed in this exciting business. I will check in with you again soon.
Cheers to Team Baba!
Jim, nice to meet you and happy we have the same aims and outlook. Can’t wait to see us grow in this journey as you say. Many thanks and all the best. Atif
Hi, Atif! I can certainly relate to your “why.” I also greatly hope for what a business will do for my family. I look forward to hearing about your first dollar and your next blog post. Great things are coming our way!
Nakina, thank you so much. Yes indeed great things are appearing on the horizon. I thank you for your support and I will be following your journey closely. Take care. Atif
I can surely relate to the pay check to pay check and the shrinking budget. I also understand the slow learning that come with learning disabilities and dyslexia. I grew up in special ed class and was told I wouldn’t about to much.
However, every time I turn around I am proving them wrong. It make take a little longer to reach our goals but we can both prevail and conquer the journey ahead.
I look forward to hearing about your success and experiences.
Keep Moving Forward!
CJ, I think many people are in this situation. With dedication, patience and determination we will over come the fear. Thanks my friend. Atif
Hello Atif, I’m not sure why but reading this made me feel very emotional! I hope with all my heart that one day you achieve everything on your list! In fact I know you will achieve it .. and I look forward to celebrating with you! TeamBABA!
Thanks, I felt very emotional writing it. It’s not easy putting your life and feelings out there for people to read. But if they can learn from it and gain from my experience then it’s worth it. Thanks for your kind words.
Hi Atif!
Beautiful list of goals. Having them written down is the first step to achieving it.
I went through a similar thought process when my father passed away at the age of 57. I decided to look for a better way to live my life.
Keep pushing and you will get there.
Tom. thanks. There are a lot of goals but at this stage I have to put them all down. They may move around or change but the ultimate goal is the same. Better life for the family! I wish you and your family well.
Hi Atif,
Great first blog and your site looks really crisp as well. Great to see you sharing the goals as we can all help to share in your achievements and celebrate your progress with you. I’m looking forward to following your journey
Here’s to your success
Thanks, I’m trying to keep the blog clear and simple and then build on it over time. Thanks for the support my friend.
Beautiful and Heartfelt Blog. I am a Third generation machinist, that has been working since the age of ten… I understand your passion and goals as it seems so many of us work all our lives but have nothing to show for it in the end. I wish you the Greatest success on your Journey as I am in a similar situation to provide for my Special Needs Granddaughter. Keep up the Great work, looking forward to following your journey.
Thanks so much for your kind words. I wish you great success in your journey and us both sharing with each other.
Thanks for sharing. I can relate to your story and goals
I look forward to reading more about you and your journey